mother-teresa-9504160-1-402Several months ago I was presenting to a group of professionals at the University of Dayton. The group consisted of teachers, counselors and school administrators –who gathered for continuing education credits under the guidance of Mr. Jim Place.

Jim is a legend in the Cincinnati and Dayton area as a teacher, football coach and mentor to hundreds of young men in the Dayton and Cincinnati area. He’s a former University of Dayton football captain and Canton native, and was the head coach at schools such as Northwestern, Beavercreek, Stebbins, Middletown, Chaminade Julienne, Hamilton, Cincinnati Withrow and Ponitz. Jim resigned from coaching in 2017 – but did not resign from life or making a difference.

Jim’s career record is believed to be 260-184-2. However, his greatest accomplishments are not on the field – but rather his sharing with educators the need and the value of teaching character; having a positive attitude – and providing great love to those around us. In fact, when visiting his website recently I couldn’t help but read the words of Mother Theresa: There are no great acts. just small acts done with GREAT LOVE. These words would prove to be the motivation of another man I would shortly meet.

Following my presentation, I received a strong handshake and thank you from this giant, Teddy Bear of a man – followed by an introduction to Dr. Brian Ceccarelli. I often meet people following my presentations. It’s usually some small-talk and sharing of cards that other than pleasant conversation, rarely progresses beyond that point. However, with Brian it was different.

Brian had a successful orthopedic surgery practice from which he had just retired – somewhat early I might add. He told me he was dedicating his life to making a difference in the lives of people within our community. His quest to stop bullying and treat others with dignity and respect has been at the heart of A WIRED FAMILY. I could relate to what he was saying.

Since that time, I’ve gotten to know Brian and his wife – and their quest to make a difference in our community. Much like Jim Place, Brian follows  Mother Theresa’s philosophy that “There are no great acts. just small acts done with GREAT LOVE.” I thought I’d take this opportunity to introduce Brian and his organization, Its Time 2 to those of you that follow A WIRED FAMILY.

Before I do, please listen to this brief video interview that Brian produced concerning a young man that had been bullied. It will touch your heart and highlight Brian’s motivation to make a difference.

About Its Time 2

Its Time2! took shape in the fall of 2016.  Watching news story after news story about the opioid crisis, hate crimes, teen-suicides due to bullying and cyber-bullying, and examples of social injustice I decided to embark on a mission to do my best to address some of these issues.  I started the company to raise awareness of these issues by using my platform as a physician to connect with various organizations whose goals were similar to mine.  I identified these organizations and immediately immersed myself in gaining inside information on problems confronting our youth, our minorities, and our underserved.

I retired from the practice of orthopedic surgery in March of 2018 to fully invest my time into developing this business and serving our community.  I have been active in raising funds for various organizations who have promoted a yearly anti-bullying rally among other services for area youth.  I have spoken at local schools and with local school administrators on implementing a program to embrace diversity and combat bullying in all forms.

Having grown up poor in a racially integrated community and attending schools with students of different ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds allowed me, at an early age, to appreciate and accept diversity, something I continue to practice.  This, in my opinion, has enabled me to communicate and relate to people on any level.  This trait served me well in my role as a physician and continues to be a major benefit in my current role.

The ultimate goal of It’s Time2! would be to change the way people treat one another.  We have a choice every day, as individuals, to control our behavior and our actions.  We must all treat each other regardless of race, religion, sex, age, finance, with the respect we all deserve.  When we can truly practice “LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR” our societal woes will be minimized!  Our homes, our schools, our communities, our country will be safer for all of us.

You can learn more about Its Time2 by visiting their website at:

Information about Jim Place can be found at:


To discover more about your child’s use of technology, and how you can help guide them through digital life, please consider ordering our book. All proceeds go to future research that supports our mission to educate families on their child’s digital tattoo.


NOTE: If you’d like us to come to your school or organization for our presentation on the impact of social media on teens, please contact us at: